Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Easter Sunday celebrations and namings

As it had been forecast grey and wet we had moved the biggest of the bonfires to Saturday but we still hoped to burn the remaining bramble and hawthorn hedging from that side of the field at the end of the day. 
Many more visitors came in a steady stream - the Stallard clan with Mum Stallard, Dad Stallard, Grandma and Grandpa Stallard bringing H

Caroline Peter Jack and Rose, Sue and David our field architect, Huw an oak dragon officiando and men's group friend to help mastermind the naming ceremony, Tim and Margo in the evening bearing brownies, and neighbours Alysun and Tim too to help with the fire. 
Little B and B were dispatched off to sues emporium for a birthday treat rummage experience and returned with an antique blanket, liberty fabric and jumper! 
An Easter egg  hunt set by T and H and Easter egg making for Ryan, Arran and Sam with Ellen and Debbie completed the afternoon activities. 

And a wonderfully erudite and literary treasure hunt for the oldies by H and T too ... The best clue - this beautiful boetician and their redheaded companion's surname - pond! 

The naming ceremony followed in a gap In the rain. Huw smudged  us in with sage and we were a rather noisy and bedraggled procession but process we did with  a noisy beating of the bounds to ward off spirits. We welcomed  the good spirits of the East, North, South and West to bring air and light, regeneration and solidity, sunshine and wet fecundity and then officially named the land 'Maidens' Piece' with gifts of hope, peace, fertility, and sheep! 

A mega 'train game' was played while it rained. Sue, Huw and David hadn't played it before so we introduced them to the delights of stations and engines throughout Europe...

And another slightly soggy but brilliant bonfire ...

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