Tuesday, 27 May 2014

"Our field"

Hello Readers!
I haven't contributed for quite a while, though I have been collecting some pictures of the field in anticipation of writing this.
To back-track: we acquired the field in the legal sense on the 15th February, having spent some time arranging with two of our neighbours the proportions and shapes of the pieces we would have.

Our section is shown here outlined in red  on the plan prepared for us by our friend David the architect.
For the previous many years (19 that we know about) the field has housed our loca dairy farmer's dry cows and baby calves from about March to October. So the edges and fencing have not needed to be kept in a secure or tidy state.

Here is some of the debris we collected:

We burnt a lot of old brambles and rubbish:

Here is a shot that gives a perspective on the size of the blaze!

Then neat and tidy new fence:

and finally, sheep!

We like the sheep. The white one butting A is Wendy, a last-year's bottle lamb, who is a Texel. The rest in this picture are Herdwicks, and there are also Blackface and six of this year's lambs. They all belong to someone else, and are temporary grass eaters, pending us organising some of our own. A is going to the Bath and West show tomorrow to choose some! And goats?

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