Saturday 12 April 2014

M's anemomes

M is away working in Czech Republic but today we have been reminded of her as the anemomes  she and E planted 3 springs ago are finally happy and coming through. The jewel colours are quite fantastic in the sunshine under the Bramley. They are extraordinary in other ways too as we are all convinced that they are Summer anemomes and not meant to be up for at least 2 months... At the other end of the garden under the holm oak some white and blue wild anemomes have also finally decided to be happy too - my memory is that I planted them over 6 years ago and this is the first year they have actually flowered. The stars of the white anemomes  in church woods are heralding bluebells and then the wild garlic of E's naming day.

1 comment:

  1. How lovely! Looking forward to seeing you all soon, and also to hearing about the long awaited field Fest (to which I am heartbroken not to be around for, although shall be experiencing a traditional Czech Easter so hopefully will be having fun too...) xxxx
