Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters We'd Love to Revisit as Adults

Linking up to TOP TEN TUESDAY at the Broke and Bookish

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!
Today's topic is: Ten Childhood Characters You'd Love To Revisit As Adults (i.e. a novella or something to see what they grew up to be) -- you could always just pick YA characters you've read recently you wouldn't mind revisiting in 10 years or so. Or you could pick 10 characters and guess what you think they'd be doing in 10 years or 20 years. OR you could go the other way and wish for coming of age stories for adult characters you love. 

Giving the Top Ten Tuesday Thing another go... see what I can come up with!

1) Nancy, Peggy, Titty, Roger, Susan and John from the Swallows and Amazons series. Just a quick look in to see how they're all getting on!

2) Susan from the Narnia series. Her character, for me, and the way she behaved was completely heart-breaking. I'd love to see her as an adult, and realise that it was real after all.

3) Matilda from Roald Dahl. I have such hope for her as an adult :)

4) Garnet from Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson. I guess I'd like to see Ruby too, but Garnet's my favourite.

5) Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice. Just to see her again - I love her!

6) Everyone from Harry Potter. 'nuff said.

7) Jo and Meg from Little Women.  I know we see them more grown up, but I'd love to see how their lives panned out.

8) Georgia Nicholson. I would love to see what kind of adult she turns out to be!

9) Becky Morley from Out of the Ashes.  It's actually my favourite Michael Morpurgo book, I think. Such a heart-breaking story, set during the height of the foot and mouth crisis, which was such a huge deal for anyone in rural areas, dreading it wouldn't come. (We had goats, which we planned to hide. Even though it was a bad idea.) Anyway, if you haven't read it - go ahead!

10) Richard or any surviving characters from The Secret History. Such an amazing book, made a big impact on my reading life.

So, there we have it! While writing this list, I'm not completely sure I'd like to meet any of them again. I thought of ten that would be very interesting to read as older characters, but I'm not sure I really would want to know if given the chance. A book is a completed thing. So, really, my answer is none of them :)

But that would've been a very boring post.

Go check out other people's choices at The Broke and the Bookish! It's fun seeing others' choices, particularly the difference between US and UK bloggers. 

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