Monday 19 December 2016

Secret Santa!

The Broke and the Bookish

So, this year I decided to take part in an online secret santa - for book lovers!

I like Christmas in some ways, but I can also be a bit of a scrooge. I love to give presents, but receiving them is a little more difficult; I expect a lot of people feel the same way. My way of tackling this is to give lots to charity to make up - it really does make you feel good!

I do love planning presents for Christmas, and the idea of doing one for a fellow book-lover somewhere out there really appealed, so I signed up for The Broke and The Bookish’s Secret Santa which has kindly been organised by the amazing Jamie. It's been going for quite a long time and is pretty popular so I was quite lucky to be involved.  We just answer a few questions about our bookish preferences and a bit about ourselves, and then it all goes off into the depths of the internet. So, if all goes well, I'll be getting a present from some stranger come Christmas.

I have sent mine and I really hope that he/she (no letting anything go!) likes my presents - it was great fun to put together. I forget to take a picture of the individual presents but here it is as a
conglomerate of things I was about to send.

I've really enjoyed the book exchange and the mystical nature of TBTBSanta, and I've never done anything like it. I might have gone a bit overboard (I took out three other books before I finished), but I really really hope I haven't underdone it. It's so nerve-wracking when you haven't done something before; I just hope that my receiver is happy. It's his/her first time too so they probably don't know what to expect either. 

Anyway, hello to my Secret Santa Person if you manage to find my blog! I really hope you enjoyed your pressies :)

Thank you so much to Jamie and TBTB :D