Friday, 29 March 2013

The Return of Coombe Cottage Crafts

When T and E were small, a few times a year cousin B and cousin M would come for a weekend of crafting and hilarity - Coombe Cottage Craft weekends. Although B, M, T and E are all grown up now, we had a mini reunion - a CCC day!

It was difficult to fit everything in! Everyone worked on their own projects. Inspired by seeing people's slippers at the Lovely Lyme weekend, A decided she needed a pair of her own. Repurposing one of her dad's old jumpers, it started out like this -

Nice to use up these old things - particularly as it was something she knitted herself. She still has a great deal of work to go, but definitely looking promising. A WIP that we will update you on.

M used an old jumper of J's that had been felted, and produced the only finished item of the day, a couple of oven gloves -

Pretty impressive for about half a day's work!

J and E started a collaborative project. Both being fairly proficient knitters, there is be thing that neither have done yet - socks on double pointed needles! This seemed the perfect time to try. E bought a sock knitting kit from Get Knitted with Opal sock yarn. A success so far! - but a very long way to go. And, with J and E each knitting one sock, only time will tell whether their tension is similar enough to make a matching pair of socks...

Big B decided to do an Easter project and went for making a chicken using this pattern from Landscaping Magazine. Another WIP from J's old jumper, but definitely looking promising.

(at the back - big B's chicken and M's completed oven gloves; underneath - beginnings of little B's hot water bottle cover; E's sock on the needles; front - A's slippers in the making)

And little B went for making a hot water bottle cover - this time from a different felted jumper. She was more distracted with packing up, but you can see it begin to take shape...

Apart from the crafting, it was a nice short day. An Easter tree was made with blossom from the garden, and M also insisted on a short constitutional after (a very successful! - recipes to follow in another post) lunch. It was cold, but the woods were full of promise - daffodils poking up everywhere and the wild garlic beginning to emerge.

 (the Easter tree in all its blossom-y glory! The little bird is a present from big B last weekend in Lyme - very nice)

Sad to see them all go. Just A, J and E at home for the weekend - continuing with the crafting projects, watching a film, snuggling in front of the fire, perhaps visiting Lyme. A lovely reunion.


  1. Great post- lovely pictures- looking forward to the finished slipper post and the finshed sock post too!!!
    Long live CCC!!

    1. Thanks for the comment! One sock (E's) is complete, and the other is about 30%, so may have to wait a while on that update. A's slippers are complete and look fab, so I will remind her to post it :)

  2. PS If big or little B finish their projects and would like them displayed, then feel free to email any photos!
